Dozens of Green MEPs visit London in show of solidarity against Brexit

Dozens of Green MEPs visit London in show of solidarity against Brexit

October 16th, 2019

14 October 2019

This week, the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament visited London in a show of solidarity against Brexit uncertainty.

Hundreds of MEPs and staff travelled to London for the 'study days', where they discussed the Group's political strategy for the coming five years.

Scott Ainslie, Green MEP for London, welcomed delegates at the Eurostar terminal at London St Pancras. He was joined by London Green Party representatives with EU flags, banners, sunflowers, and a rousing rendition of Ode To Joy.

During the visit, the MEPs joined Extinction Rebellion activists in Trafalgar Square and the surrounding area, and staged a protest outside 55 Tufton Street - home to a cohort of organisations which deny climate change and support Brexit.

Here are just a few photos from the trip.

MEPs at St Pancras
LDNlovesEU in Trafalgar Square
XR in Trafalgar Square

Dozens of Green MEPs visit London in show of solidarity against Brexit

Dozens of Green MEPs visit London in show of solidarity against Brexit

October 16th, 2019

14 October 2019

This week, the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament visited London in a show of solidarity against Brexit uncertainty.

Hundreds of MEPs and staff travelled to London for the 'study days', where they discussed the Group's political strategy for the coming five years.

Scott Ainslie, Green MEP for London, welcomed delegates at the Eurostar terminal at London St Pancras. He was joined by London Green Party representatives with EU flags, banners, sunflowers, and a rousing rendition of Ode To Joy.

During the visit, the MEPs joined Extinction Rebellion activists in Trafalgar Square and the surrounding area, and staged a protest outside 55 Tufton Street - home to a cohort of organisations which deny climate change and support Brexit.

Here are just a few photos from the trip.

MEPs at St Pancras
LDNlovesEU in Trafalgar Square
XR in Trafalgar Square

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