Green MEP responds to propaganda appearing in primary schools: "This content needs to be removed immediately"

Green MEP responds to propaganda appearing in primary schools: "This content needs to be removed immediately"

September 26th, 2019

26 September 2019

Today we learned that pro-Boris Johnson propaganda is being beamed onto digital screens in the UK's primary schools, without their consent.

Scott Ainslie, Green MEP for London, has called for the material to be removed from the screens immediately, and for more information to be provided about who provided and funded this content.

Scott Ainslie MEP says:

"I’m appalled to hear that pro-Johnson propaganda is appearing in primary schools in my constituency, and across the country, without their consent. Educational institutions are no place for propaganda, and our children should be able to go to school without being exposed to political messaging.
The only appropriate place for our young people to learn about propaganda is in their history textbooks, so they are aware it has no place in a healthy, functioning democracy.
These children will bear the brunt of Johnson’s obsession with Brexit, likely to find themselves stripped of the incredible rights, protections and opportunities that our Prime Minister and his colleagues have themselves enjoyed.
It’s even more concerning that Johnson doesn’t seem remotely concerned about the possibility of propaganda being beamed into our primary schools. If this is in any way related to the Government's £100m mass information campaign on Brexit, it would represent a grave abuse of power which should alarm us all.
This content needs to be removed immediately. We need more information about who provided and funded it, and who deemed them appropriate to be screened in our primary schools."


Green MEP responds to propaganda appearing in primary schools: "This content needs to be removed immediately"

Green MEP responds to propaganda appearing in primary schools: "This content needs to be removed immediately"

September 26th, 2019

26 September 2019

Today we learned that pro-Boris Johnson propaganda is being beamed onto digital screens in the UK's primary schools, without their consent.

Scott Ainslie, Green MEP for London, has called for the material to be removed from the screens immediately, and for more information to be provided about who provided and funded this content.

Scott Ainslie MEP says:

"I’m appalled to hear that pro-Johnson propaganda is appearing in primary schools in my constituency, and across the country, without their consent. Educational institutions are no place for propaganda, and our children should be able to go to school without being exposed to political messaging.
The only appropriate place for our young people to learn about propaganda is in their history textbooks, so they are aware it has no place in a healthy, functioning democracy.
These children will bear the brunt of Johnson’s obsession with Brexit, likely to find themselves stripped of the incredible rights, protections and opportunities that our Prime Minister and his colleagues have themselves enjoyed.
It’s even more concerning that Johnson doesn’t seem remotely concerned about the possibility of propaganda being beamed into our primary schools. If this is in any way related to the Government's £100m mass information campaign on Brexit, it would represent a grave abuse of power which should alarm us all.
This content needs to be removed immediately. We need more information about who provided and funded it, and who deemed them appropriate to be screened in our primary schools."


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