Green MEPs slam Tory Government for failing to nominate Commissioner candidate

Green MEPs slam Tory Government for failing to nominate Commissioner candidate

November 15th, 2019

15 November 2019

Responding to the EU’s launch of legal action against Boris Johnson’s government over his failure to abide by the law and nominate a candidate for the new European commission, the UK’s Green MEPs have condemned Johnson’s abandonment of Britain’s interests at the expense of British taxpayers. 

Commenting on the news, Molly Scott Cato, the head of the UK delegation of Green MEPs, said:

“This is another example of how the Tories are routinely flouting the rule of law and failing in their international obligations. This further undermines our reputation on the international stage and makes a mockery of Johnson’s ‘global Britain’ where he hopes to establish new deals and partnerships across the world. Who will trust a Tory government led by liar Johnson and his untrustworthy, far-right faction?”

Scott Ainslie, the Green MEP for London and a substitute on the European Parliament’s Constitutional Affairs Committee, said:

“By nominating a Commissioner, the UK would be able to play a full role in Ursula von der Leyen’s new commission. We would have a seat at the table, rather than watching from the sidelines. 

“Johnson cites election purdah rules as an escape clause from abiding by our international commitments, yet this move is nothing more than a cynical ploy by his cabal of crooks to pick a fight with the EU in a bid to win support from hardline Brexiteers.

“These are the actions of a selfish Government that believes itself to be above the law. As ever, it’s ordinary citizens who will pay the price.”

Magid Magid, the Green MEP for Yorkshire and the Humber, added: 

“The UK’s reputation is blunted by Johnson’s every bluff, bluster and blunder. A UK commissioner would only strengthen Britain’s leading role in Europe and ensure our voice is heard in the halls of power. Johnson’s recklessness continues to trash our reputation on the global stage.”

The UK’s seven Green MEPs: Molly Scott Cato (South West England and Gibraltar), Scott Ainslie (London), Magid Magid (Yorkshire and the Humber), Ellie Chowns (West Midlands), Gina Dowding (North West England), Alexandra Phillips (South East England) and Catherine Rowett (East of England).


Green MEPs slam Tory Government for failing to nominate Commissioner candidate

Green MEPs slam Tory Government for failing to nominate Commissioner candidate

November 15th, 2019

15 November 2019

Responding to the EU’s launch of legal action against Boris Johnson’s government over his failure to abide by the law and nominate a candidate for the new European commission, the UK’s Green MEPs have condemned Johnson’s abandonment of Britain’s interests at the expense of British taxpayers. 

Commenting on the news, Molly Scott Cato, the head of the UK delegation of Green MEPs, said:

“This is another example of how the Tories are routinely flouting the rule of law and failing in their international obligations. This further undermines our reputation on the international stage and makes a mockery of Johnson’s ‘global Britain’ where he hopes to establish new deals and partnerships across the world. Who will trust a Tory government led by liar Johnson and his untrustworthy, far-right faction?”

Scott Ainslie, the Green MEP for London and a substitute on the European Parliament’s Constitutional Affairs Committee, said:

“By nominating a Commissioner, the UK would be able to play a full role in Ursula von der Leyen’s new commission. We would have a seat at the table, rather than watching from the sidelines. 

“Johnson cites election purdah rules as an escape clause from abiding by our international commitments, yet this move is nothing more than a cynical ploy by his cabal of crooks to pick a fight with the EU in a bid to win support from hardline Brexiteers.

“These are the actions of a selfish Government that believes itself to be above the law. As ever, it’s ordinary citizens who will pay the price.”

Magid Magid, the Green MEP for Yorkshire and the Humber, added: 

“The UK’s reputation is blunted by Johnson’s every bluff, bluster and blunder. A UK commissioner would only strengthen Britain’s leading role in Europe and ensure our voice is heard in the halls of power. Johnson’s recklessness continues to trash our reputation on the global stage.”

The UK’s seven Green MEPs: Molly Scott Cato (South West England and Gibraltar), Scott Ainslie (London), Magid Magid (Yorkshire and the Humber), Ellie Chowns (West Midlands), Gina Dowding (North West England), Alexandra Phillips (South East England) and Catherine Rowett (East of England).


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