Scott joins 1 million protestors in march to demand a People's Vote

Scott joins 1 million protestors in march to demand a People's Vote

October 19th, 2019

19 October 2019

Scott Ainslie, Green MEP for London, joined an estimated 1 million people who took to the streets of London for today's People's Vote march.

He took a moment out of the core march to join protestors outside Odey Asset Management, owned by Crispin Odey. The fund manager has made millions betting against the pound after the 2016 referendum, and has allegedly donated to Boris Johnson's leadership campaign in order to profit financially from a possible no-deal Brexit.

Watch Scott's video from outside his office building below.

Scott with Ellie and Catherine at People's Vote March

Scott joins 1 million protestors in march to demand a People's Vote

Scott joins 1 million protestors in march to demand a People's Vote

October 19th, 2019

19 October 2019

Scott Ainslie, Green MEP for London, joined an estimated 1 million people who took to the streets of London for today's People's Vote march.

He took a moment out of the core march to join protestors outside Odey Asset Management, owned by Crispin Odey. The fund manager has made millions betting against the pound after the 2016 referendum, and has allegedly donated to Boris Johnson's leadership campaign in order to profit financially from a possible no-deal Brexit.

Watch Scott's video from outside his office building below.

Scott with Ellie and Catherine at People's Vote March

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