Councillor Scott Ainslie (Lambeth)
For a Safer, Fairer, Greener London.
Vote for a robust and successful campaigner who works well with a broad range of people, community groups and grassroots organisations to achieve positive outcomes from the bottom-up.
My Background:
My mum brought up my sister and me in a council tower block. The lived experience of this has never left us. It is this humblest of starts in life that drives my quest for social and environmental justice and makes me a formidable advocate for ALL Londoners. I believe the Green Mayor for London should be from a working class background like mine.
As London’s Green MEP, I stood up vociferously for democracy and persecuted peoples across the world. (Full details are available here.)
My experience, as London’s Green MEP, of negotiating at an international level and as a local councillor for nine years, with a strong track record of listening and working well with people from all sorts of backgrounds, makes me the right choice for Mayor.
For the National Party, I am on the Political Committee: advising on strategy and communications for our leaders and I am on the European Liaison Group with former MEPs to maintain positive links with our European family.
As a three times elected councillor and with 22% of the vote across Lambeth in 2022, we are well placed to win more seats in 2026.
We are setting the agenda in Lambeth:
1st London borough to declare a climate and ecological emergency and hold a Citizens’ Assembly.
Forced a total re-think on council housing.
Exposed millions of pounds wasted on poor contract management, that should have been invested in services to protect those in need.
1st Landmark motion to atone and repair colonial enslavement.
I have served on many committees, including overview and scrutiny, financial, risk and audit, planning and pensions committees.
My immediate priorities for London:
Only a bold and radical Green Mayor will get London to meet its commitment to be a Net Zero Carbon city by 2030. All other parties do not have the vision, the drive or the team to get there. Only London Greens do.
Communities First – this world city must respect, value, and consider communities before developments can go ahead. The London Plan must put communities first.
More powers for Londoners. Westminster rule is not working in the best interests of Londoners.
Refurbish Don’t Demolish - 40% of emissions is from the built environment, so we must only ever demolish and rebuild as a last resort.
A decent and dignified life for all Londoners, including safe, warm and dry homes; free school meals for all school children.
Vote Scott Ainslie first choice for Mayor and first choice on the London Assembly list.
Thank you!